Best Credit Repair Companies Of 2024

We've evaluated these companies based on various factors to provide valuable insights and guidance in selecting the ideal credit repair service.


Credit Saint

Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees

$79.99 - $129.99

BBB Rating

BBB Rating


Setup Fee

Setup Fee

$99.00 - $195.00

Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes

Not Specified

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

90-day guarantee


  • They provide educational content for future credit success
  • They provide a 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time
  • People have the convenience of 24/7 access to their progress through the online account page


  • It comes with a relatively higher monthly fee, which may not be suitable for everyone's budget
  • The initial setup fee is on a higher side compared to the industry standards.

Why choose it?

Credit Saint earns its place as one of the prominent credit repair companies for 2024 due to its strong reputation, transparent pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Their range of plans caters to various credit repair needs.


The Credit People

Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees

$79 - $99 OR Flat Rate - $499 for 6 months

BBB Rating

BBB Rating


Setup Fee

Setup Fee


Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes


Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

60-day guarantee If you choose flat-fee pricing, you have a full six-month satisfaction guarantee


  • A setup fee of just $19 provides an affordable entry point for those seeking credit repair assistance
  • Provides a comprehensive view of the credit profiles to customers by offering credit scores and reports from all three major credit bureaus
  • The Credit People offers a risk-free trial with a money-back guarantee.
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time.


  • Does not provide financial management tools or resources to assist people.
  • They do not offer additional services or add-ons.

Why choose it?

The Credit People offers straightforward and budget-friendly pricing, making credit repair accessible to many people. While The Credit People may not offer additional financial management tools or extra services, their transparent pricing, comprehensive credit reporting, and flexible service options make them a popular choice for customers.


The Credit Pros

Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees

$69 - $129

BBB Rating

BBB Rating


Setup Fee

Setup Fee

$119 - $149

Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes


Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

90-day guarantee


  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Credit-building tools included
  • Free credit monitoring and identity theft insurance
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time


  • Money-back guarantee requirements may take a lot of work to fulfill
  • It does not offer 24/7 phone support, limiting accessibility for clients seeking assistance outside regular business hours

Why choose it?

The Credit Pros have earned positive feedback from customers, indicating their effectiveness in credit repair. Their commitment to customer support ensures you receive assistance and guidance throughout your credit repair journey. They offer a 90-day money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind if you're unsatisfied with the service.


Lexington Law

Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees

$99.95 - $139.95

BBB Rating

BBB Rating


Setup Fee

Setup Fee

$89.95 - $129.95

Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes

Not Specified

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

No guarantee


  • The firm provides tailored credit repair services to address your specific needs
  • They have a team of attorneys who can assist with legal credit issues
  • They have identity theft insurance available
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time


  • Their pricing can be relatively higher compared to some other credit repair services
  • They do not provide a money-back guarantee for their credit repair services

Why choose it?

Lexington Law has a reasonable presence in the credit repair industry, with many years of experience. It is suitable for those seeking experienced credit repair services with the added benefit of legal expertise and personalized solutions.


Sky Blue Credit

Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees


BBB Rating

BBB Rating


Setup Fee

Setup Fee

$0 After six days, there is a $79 charge for membership review and setup, along with a monthly service fee of $79 starting one month from the initial six days.

Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes

Not Specified

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

90-day guarantee


  • People have the assurance of a 90-day money-back guarantee if they are unsatisfied with the service
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time
  • It offers couples discounts.
  • Provides credit monitoring services to help people stay informed about their credit status


  • They offer fewer credit-building tools compared to some other credit repair companies
  • Sky Blue Credit does not offer monthly credit monitoring

Why choose it?

Sky Blue Credit is a solid choice for budget-friendly credit repair, offering valuable features such as a money-back guarantee, credit monitoring, and a 35-day dispute cycle. Notably, no upgrades are needed, providing a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for individuals on their credit improvement journey.


Safeport Law

Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees


BBB Rating

BBB Rating


Setup Fee

Setup Fee


Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes

Not Specified

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

90-day guarantee


  • Provides legal expertise and guidance for complex financial and legal matters
  • Offers a 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time
  • Analyzes positive credit aspects and enhances your credit report


  • Not offering credit monitoring can disadvantage individuals who value real-time updates on their credit reports.
  • Having only one credit repair plan may limit options for individuals with varying credit repair needs.

Why choose it?

Choosing Safeport Law may be suitable for individuals seeking a well-rounded approach to their financial challenges. They also offer access to legal expertise and the added assurance of a money-back guarantee.


Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees

$69.95 - $119.95

BBB Rating

BBB Rating

Not Accredited

Setup Fee

Setup Fee


Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes

Not Specified

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

No Guarantee


  • Provides educational materials and resources to help people better understand credit management
  • Offers credit monitoring services to help people know about the changes in their credit reports
  • Offers a free credit analysis to assess your credit report and identify areas for improvement
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time


  • No money-back guarantee is available
  • The pricing structure can sometimes be on the higher side compared to other credit repair services

Why choose it?

Choosing can be a good decision for individuals seeking a credit repair service that provides personalized attention to their credit issues. It is also a decent option for those looking for educational resources and credit monitoring to support their credit improvement journey.


Monthly Fees

Monthly Fees


BBB Rating

BBB Rating

Not Accredited

Setup Fee

Setup Fee

No Fee

Number Of Disputes

Number Of Disputes

5-7 accounts per credit bureau per round They can take up unlimited disputes if required

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-Back Guarantee

No Guarantee


  • Offers affordable monthly fees for their credit repair services
  • Offers an opportunity for people to get started without an initial setup fee
  • Allows people to cancel their services at any time
  • Offers couples discounts through which $10 can be saved off the regular rate monthly


  • Does not offer identity theft insurance as part of its credit repair services
  • Does not provide money-back guarantee

Why choose it? offers credit repair services, helping people improve their credit profiles and financial standing. They provide expertise in dispute resolution, legal compliance, and convenience for individuals seeking professional assistance with credit repair.

Compare Credit Repair Companies

Let's compare some well-known credit repair companies' key features and offerings. Here's a comparison table to help you evaluate your options:

BBB Rating
Monthly Fees
Setup Fee
No. of Disputes
Credit Monitoring
A $79.99 - $129.99 $99.00 - $195.00 90-Day Money Back Not Specified Yes
C+ $79 - $99 Flat Rate - $499 For 6 Months $19 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee If You Chose Our Flat-Fee Pricing, You Have A Full Six-Month Satisfaction Guarantee. Unlimited Yes
A+ $69 - $129 $119 - $149 90-Day Money Back Unlimited Yes
F $99.95 - $139.95 $89.95 - $129.95 No Guarantee Not Specified Yes
A+ $79 $0 After Six Days, There Is A $79 Charge For Membership Review And Setup, Along With A Monthly Service Fee Of $79 Starting One Month From The Initial Six Days. 90 Day Guarantee Not Specified Yes
A- $99.99 $99.00 90 Day Money Back Not Specified Not Specified
Not Accredited $69.95 - $119.95 $69.95 No Guarantee Not Specified Yes
Not Accredited $49.99 No Fee No Guarantee 5-7 Accounts Per Credit Bureau Per Round They Can Take Up Unlimited Disputes If Required Yes

Further, explore the best credit cards suited for low-income earners and discover options that align with your financial situation and goals.

How Do Credit Repair Services Work?

Credit repair services work to improve individuals' credit scores by identifying and rectifying errors and inaccuracies on their credit reports. Here's an overview of the typical processes and strategies employed by these companies:

  • Initial Consultation:
    The credit repair process usually begins with an initial consultation. During this phase, the company assesses your credit reports, scores, and financial situation. They may offer advice and create a plan tailored to your needs.
  • Credit Report Analysis:
    The credit repair company obtains your credit reports from the major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion). These reports are then meticulously analyzed to identify any errors, inaccuracies, or items that may negatively affect your credit score.
  • Dispute Resolution:
    If inaccuracies or errors are found, the credit repair company will work to dispute these items with the credit bureaus. This involves sending letters or using online dispute platforms to challenge the information and request corrections or removal.
  • Communication with Creditors:
    Credit repair companies sometimes may also contact your creditors to negotiate on your behalf. They can request goodwill adjustments, settlements, or removing negative information.
  • Ongoing Monitoring:
    Credit repair services often offer credit monitoring to keep track of any changes in your credit reports. This helps ensure that errors are corrected and that your credit profile improves over time.
  • Education and Guidance:
    Many credit repair companies provide educational resources to help you better understand credit management. This may include budgeting, debt reduction strategies, and tips for maintaining a healthy credit profile.

Once you've initiated the credit repair process, it is helpful to use financial tools like credit card payoff calculators to manage your budget effectively.

Timeline and Expected Results

The timeline for credit repair can vary depending on the complexity of your credit issues and the responsiveness of credit bureaus and creditors. Credit repair services may typically take several months to a year to yield noticeable results. Expected results include:

  • Improved Credit Score:
    Your credit score should increase as errors are corrected and negative items are removed. The extent of improvement depends on the specific issues on your credit report.
  • Clean Credit Report:
    The goal is to have a more accurate and error-free credit report, which can enhance your creditworthiness.
  • Financial Stability:
    Credit repair services may also provide advice and tools to help you manage your finances better, ultimately leading to greater financial stability.

It is important to note that credit repair companies cannot guarantee specific results or remove accurate negative information from your credit report. Any legitimate improvements in your credit score will come from correcting errors and inaccuracies.

Additionally, you can undertake some credit repair actions, such as reviewing your credit report and disputing errors, without needing a credit repair service.

Criteria For Evaluating Credit Repair Companies

When evaluating credit repair companies, consider the following criteria:

  • Pricing:
    Ensure the company provides transparent and straightforward pricing, free from hidden fees or additional charges.
  • Reputation:
    Check online reviews, testimonials, and ratings. Research any complaints or legal actions against the company.
  • Services Offered:
    Ensure the company provides the specific credit repair services you need. Verify their ability to handle inaccuracies, disputes, and negotiations with creditors.
  • Contract Terms:
    Read the contract carefully to understand terms, duration, and cancellation policies. Avoid long-term commitments and seek flexible terms.
  • Guarantees:
    Look for a company offering a money-back or satisfaction guarantee. Understand the conditions and limitations of the guarantee.
  • Free Consultation:
    Many reputable companies offer a free initial consultation to assess your needs.
  • Credit Monitoring:
    Determine if the company provides credit monitoring services. Check if they offer tools to help you maintain a healthy credit profile.
  • Number of Monthly Disputes:
    Inquire about the number of items the company will dispute on your behalf each month. Ensure it aligns with your specific credit repair needs.
  • Industry Accreditation:
    Verify if the company is accredited by organizations like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or the National Association of Credit Services Organizations (NACSO). Accreditation may indicate a commitment to ethical practices.
  • Customer Support:
    Evaluate the responsiveness and accessibility of their customer support. Determine if they provide ongoing support throughout the credit repair process.
  • Customized Solutions:
    Seek a company that customizes its services to your unique credit situation.
  • Communication:
    Ensure the company maintains open and consistent communication with you throughout the process. You should be informed about the progress of your credit repair.
  • Regulatory Compliance:
    Confirm that the company complies with federal and state regulations, such as the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA).

How To Avoid Credit Repair Service Scams

To avoid credit repair service scams, consider the following tips and warning signs:

  • Research:
    Conduct a comprehensive investigation of the company, including thoroughly examining online reviews and ratings.
  • Beware of Guaranteed Results:
    Be cautious of companies that guarantee specific results or immediate improvements in your credit score.
  • Check For Fees:
    Avoid companies requesting upfront fees before delivering services.
  • Read Contracts Carefully:
    Ensure the company provides a written contract with transparent terms, including services, fees, and cancellation policies.
  • Verify Credentials:
    Verify the company's industry accreditation with organizations like the BBB or NACSO.
  • Document All Communication:
    Keep records of all communication with the company, including emails, letters, and phone calls.
  • Verify Registration and Compliance:
    Check if the company is registered and complies with applicable regulations in the credit repair industry.
  • Verify Communication Channels:
    Ensure the company maintains legitimate and professional communication channels.
  • Understand Your Rights:
    Familiarize yourself with your rights as a consumer in credit repair, including protections under the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA).
  • Trust Your Instincts:
    If something feels off or too good to be true, it is better to consider alternative options.

Legal Considerations And Regulations

The credit repair industry is subject to specific legal considerations and regulations designed to protect consumers and ensure ethical practices. Understanding these regulations is essential when seeking credit repair services:

Prohibition of Upfront Fees:

CROA prohibits credit repair companies from charging upfront fees for their services. They can only bill you after they have completed the agreed-upon services.

Service Disclosure:

Credit repair companies must provide a written contract outlining their services. The contract should also include the total cost, the duration, and a detailed description of the services to be provided.

Cancellation Rights:

Consumers can cancel the contract with a credit repair company within three business days without any penalty.

Prohibition of False Claims:

Credit repair companies are not allowed to make false or misleading claims regarding their services or guarantees, such as promising specific credit score improvements or removing accurate negative information.

Access to Your Credit Reports:

You can access your credit reports and scores independently. Credit repair companies must encourage you to obtain your own credit information.


Credit repair companies must keep records of all communication and documents related to your credit repair process. You should have access to these records upon request.

Escrow Accounts:

Some credit repair companies suggest placing your funds in an escrow account. However, this is not mandatory under CROA, and you can pay as services are provided.

Right to Legal Action:

If a credit repair company violates CROA, you can take legal action against them and seek damages.

DIY Credit Repair Vs. Hiring A Credit Repair Company

The question of Whether to pursue DIY credit repair or hire a credit repair company depends on your unique circumstances. Here's a comparison of the pros and cons to help you make an informed choice:

DIY Credit Repair
Hiring a Credit Repair Company


  • DIY credit repair is usually less expensive as you won't pay fees to a credit repair company
  • It provides an opportunity to learn about credit management, which can be valuable for long-term financial health
  • You have full control over the process and can track your progress closely
  • Eliminates the risk of falling victim to fraudulent credit repair companies


  • Credit repair companies have experience in identifying errors and resolving credit issues effectively.
  • They handle the time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on other priorities.
  • They can negotiate with creditors and credit bureaus on your behalf.


  • Credit repair can be time-intensive, requiring research, dispute letters, and has ongoing multipe follow-ups.
  • It can be frustrating, especially when dealing with unresponsive creditors or credit bureaus.


  • Credit repair companies charge fees, which can add up over time
  • Fraudulent companies can cause more harm than good
  • You may have less control over the process and less insight into the details of your credit repair

DIY Credit Repair


  • DIY credit repair is usually less expensive as you won't pay fees to a credit repair company
  • It provides an opportunity to learn about credit management, which can be valuable for long-term financial health
  • You have full control over the process and can track your progress closely
  • Eliminates the risk of falling victim to fraudulent credit repair companies


  • Credit repair can be time-intensive, requiring research, dispute letters, and has ongoing multipe follow-ups.
  • It can be frustrating, especially when dealing with unresponsive creditors or credit bureaus.

Hiring a Credit Repair Company


  • Credit repair companies have experience in identifying errors and resolving credit issues effectively.
  • They handle the time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on other priorities.
  • They can negotiate with creditors and credit bureaus on your behalf.


  • Credit repair companies charge fees, which can add up over time
  • Fraudulent companies can cause more harm than good
  • You may have less control over the process and less insight into the details of your credit repair

When deciding between DIY credit repair and hiring a credit repair company, your choice should align with the complexity of your credit issues, your time availability, and your financial priorities. DIY credit repair is suitable if you have the time to learn the process, your credit problems are relatively simple, and you want to save on costs.

On the other hand, hiring a credit repair company can be beneficial when you face complex credit issues, have limited time, and require professional agent expertise.

When opting for professional help, select a reputable and accredited company with transparent pricing and a history of ethical practices. Also, ensure not to fall in the trap of scammy companies to protect your financial interests.

Our Methodology: How We Choose The Best Credit Repair Companies

When selecting and reviewing the best credit repair companies, we follow a thorough and objective methodology that considers several factors. Here are the key considerations we prioritize in our evaluation:

Reputation and Credibility

Reputation and CredibilityReputation and Credibility

We thoroughly research and assess the reputation of each credit repair company. We consider customer reviews, ratings, and any history of complaints or legal actions to gauge their credibility and ethical practices.

Pricing and Transparency

Pricing and TransparencyPricing and Transparency

We examine the company's pricing structure to ensure it is transparent and free from hidden fees. We aim to provide recommendations that align with your budgetary needs and preferences.

Services Offered

Services OfferedServices Offered

We evaluate the range of services each company offers, including credit report analysis, dispute resolution, credit monitoring, and other valuable tools. We recommend companies that address a broad spectrum of credit repair needs.

Customer Support and Communication

Customer Support and CommunicationCustomer Support and Communication

We assess the responsiveness and accessibility of customer support to ensure that the company maintains open and consistent communication with people throughout the credit repair process.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory ComplianceRegulatory Compliance

We verify that each company complies with relevant federal and state regulations, such as the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA). This ensures that the recommended companies operate within legal boundaries.

Guarantees and Satisfaction

Guarantees and SatisfactionGuarantees and Satisfaction

We consider any money-back or satisfaction guarantees offered by the company and include this information in our recommendations.

By evaluating credit repair companies based on these key factors, we aim to provide you with the most reliable and valuable information to guide your credit repair decisions, ultimately helping you achieve your financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the commonly asked questions:

Is It Worth Paying Someone To Fix Your Credit?

Paying someone to fix your credit can be worthwhile in certain situations. This includes instances where you lack the time and expertise or are dealing with complex credit issues that may benefit from professional assistance.

What Company Can Fix My Credit Fast?

While no company can guarantee an instant or speedy credit repair, some reputable companies can expedite the process. It’s essential to understand that the time it takes to repair your credit depends on the complexity of your credit issues, the responsiveness of credit bureaus and creditors, and other factors.

How Much Does Credit Repair Cost On Average?

Credit repair company fees vary, and it’s important to compare pricing and services when choosing the right option for your specific credit repair needs. The cost of credit repair services typically ranges from $49 to $139 per month, with some companies offering one-time setup fees.

How Long Does It Take For A Credit Repair Company To Improve My Credit Score?

The time it takes for a credit repair company to improve your credit score varies depending on several factors. Some of them include the complexity of your credit issues, the responsiveness of credit bureaus and creditors, and the specific company’s efficiency. On average, it may take several months to see noticeable improvements.

What Can Credit Repair Companies Remove From My Credit Report?

Credit repair companies can assist in removing inaccuracies from your credit report. Some of which includes removing of incorrect personal information, late payments, collections, charge-offs, judgments, liens, and inaccuracies related to bankruptcy records. However, they cannot remove accurate, negative information or eliminate legitimate debts.

Can A Credit Repair Company Guarantee A Specific Credit Score Increase?

No, legitimate credit repair companies cannot guarantee a specific credit score increase. It is illegal and unethical for credit repair companies to make such promises. 

Credit scores are determined by complex algorithms that consider various factors. The impact of credit repair on your score is influenced by the accuracy of the information on your credit report and the actions of creditors and credit bureaus.

How Can I Monitor The Progress Of Credit Repair Services?

You can monitor the progress of credit repair services by maintaining open communication with the company, reviewing your credit reports, and keeping records of all interactions. Many credit repair companies also offer online portals for tracking your case and its status.

What Information Does A Credit Repair Specialist Need From Me To Get Started?

To initiate credit repair services, a credit repair specialist typically requires some important documents. Some of which includes your credit reports from major bureaus, identification documents, details about inaccuracies, and information related to the accounts in question. You must also review and sign a contract outlining the services and associated fees.

Can A Credit Repair Specialist Remove Accurate Negative Information From My Credit Report?

No, a credit repair specialist cannot remove accurate negative information from your credit report. Accurate negative information, such as late payments, collections, charge-offs, or bankruptcies, must remain on your credit report for the legally required reporting period, typically seven years for most items.

What Is The Difference Between Credit Repair, Debt Relief, And Credit Counseling?

Credit repair focuses on fixing inaccuracies in your credit report to improve your credit score. Debt relief helps individuals manage and reduce existing debts through credit-rebuilding programs like debt consolidation and settlement. Credit counseling provides financial education and guidance to promote responsible financial habits and manage debt effectively. 

Can Credit Repair Services Help With Identity Theft Or Fraud-Related Credit Issues?

Credit repair services can assist with identity theft or fraud-related credit issues. If you’re a victim of identity theft, they can help you dispute fraudulent accounts and restore your credit. They work with credit bureaus and creditors to rectify inaccuracies resulting from identity theft, aiding recovery.